Tiger & Bunny The Comic Vol. 6
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Tiger & Bunny The Comic Vol. 6
Hiroshi Ueda, Erika Yoshida
Shueisha ¥562 August 24, 2016
9784088903835 208 Pages
- 30 Time will take care of the rest...? (時が解決してくれることもある・・・?) 005
- 31 Unsung hero (縁の下の力持ち) 037
- 32 Love is the reward of love. (思えば思わるる) 069
- 33 Every jack has his Jill. (割れ鍋に綴じ蓋) 101
- 34 The eye will be where the love is. (愛があるところに目がいく) 133
- 35 One good turn deserves another. (思恩に報いるに恩をもってする) 165
- 35.5 A sound mind in a sound body. (健全なる精神は健全なる身体に宿る) 199