Tiger & Bunny - The Slot Works-

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Bandai Namco Pictures 4573104511322

March 18, 2020 ¥9,777

All about the Tiger & Bunny Pachislot game. Contains the following:

Original Pictures Book (原画集)]] 111 pages of genga art from the onscreen animations.

Fan Book (公式ブック) Contains character descriptions, a screen caps collection of the alternate scenes/routes based on canon scenarios that were exclusively animated for the game, collection of graphics included in the game like stage titles, and I believe interview with the Yamasa staff.

Postcard Collection (ポストカード集) A5 size

Recording Script (アフレコ台本) 144 pages

Victory!? Pachislot Tiger & Bunny Guidebook (必勝!?【パチスロTIGER & BUNNY】攻略ガイド) Bookle that explains how to play the game/use the Pachislot machines - 14 pages

New Voice Recording SONOCA Card (新規ボイス収録SONOCAカード) A exclusive time card which had access to downloadable recordings of the VAs dialogue for the game - access to those recordings ended on November 30, 2022.

Promotional Banner & Flag (プロモーション用オリジナルのぼり) A large banner and smaller miniature flag with the same art

Pictorial Papercraft (筐体ペーパークラフト) Pictorial Papercraft instructions booklet, to recreate a smaller, paper craft of the pachislot machine cabinet. 8 pages

Goodwill Ambassador Certificate Replica (親善大使任命書レプリカ)

Clearfile (クリアファイル)


Premium Bandai Pictures:

External links

Premium Bandai