Tiger & Bunny -The Rising- Novel

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劇場版 TIGER&BUNNY The Rising

Written by Yuuya Takahashi

Kadokawa Shoten ISBN 9784041107072

March 15, 2014 253 pages ¥1,300

Partial translations for this can be found [here]


Prologue: Stars are not seen by sunshine. (日光によって星は見えない) 001

  • 1. If there were no cloud, we should not enjoy the sun. (雲がなければ太陽のありがたさが分からない) 005
  • 2. The morning sun never last a day. (朝の太陽は一日続かない) 043
  • 3. There is nothing new under the sun. (太陽の下に新しいものはない) 071
  • 4. Make hay while the sun shines. (太陽が照っている間に干し草を作れ) 123
  • 5. There are spots even on the sun. (太陽にさえ黒点がある) 165
  • 6 In every country the sun rises in the morning. (あらゆる国で太陽は朝昇る) 187

Epilogue: The sun shines upon all alike. (太陽は万人を平等に照らす) 229