Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (Wild Tiger)

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Name Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (鏑木・T・虎徹)
Hero Name Wild Tiger (ワイルドタイガー)
Nickname Crusher for Justice
NEXT Power Hundred Power
Sponsor Company Apollon Media, Top MaG (former)
Seiyuu Hiroaki Hirata, Mutsumi Tamura (child)
Age Unconfirmed[note 1]
Birthday August 14 [1]
Height 180 cm. (5'11")[2]
Eyes Amber, Blue (NEXT power)
Hair Dark Brown
Gender Male

Season 1

  • Crapsuit hero card text:
    • A veteran hero who made his debut ten years ago. He may be past his prime, but he is passionately obsessed with his duties. Often known as the "Crusher for Justice". Has the ability to use Hundred Power for only 5 minutes. Mainly, the Punch is his specialty. Affiliated with Top Mag.


  • The Rising Wild Tiger Style 2 hero card text:
    • Guess who else got a new suit! Forced to quit the hero business following the cancelation of HERO TV’s Second League, WILD TIGER makes a one-day only return to rescue Apollon Media owner Mark Schneider from danger. His power still only lasts for one-minute, but you can bet he’s out to kick some butt!

Season 2

  • Season 2 NHK opening text:
    • He is a veteran hero who has returned to the wild as an official hero this season! And teaming up with him is the old favorite BARNABY BROOKS Jr.! His ability activation time has been reduced to One Minute, so be sure to see him action!


Other Media




  1. Birth year estimated to be 1942 [[1]]


  1. [Official Site].
  2. The Rising King of Works Super Fanbook (2014), p. 14