Wild Tiger Cake(ワイルドタイガーケーキ)¥3,990Set with apple mousse cake and Kotetsu figure
Barnaby Cake(バーナビー・ブルックスJr.ケーキ)¥3,990Set with rare cheese mousse cake and Barnaby figure
Valentine Cake(バレンタインケーキ)¥4,200Set with chocolate cake, Kotetsu figure, Barnaby figure
Wild Tiger Christmas Cake(ワイルドタイガークリスマスケーキ)¥3,900Family Mart exclusive, set with matcha milk mousse cake and Kotetsu figure with green stripes
Valentine Cake From Kotetsu(Valentine Cake from 虎徹)Bandai ¥3,990Set with chocolate cake and Kotetsu figure
White Day Cake From Barnaby(White Day Cake from バーナビー)Bandai ¥3,990Set with rare cheese mousse cake and Barnaby figure