Bandai x Beams Shirt (Kotetsu)(BANDAI × BEAMS KOTETSU Ver. シャツ)¥9,500 S/M/L
Bandai x Beams Shirt (Barnaby)(BANDAI × BEAMS BARNABY Ver. カットソー)¥4,500 S/M/L
HTML Guttarelax I'm NEXT Oxford Shirt¥6,480Pink/Blue
Sources Griffin Military Shirt(ミリタリーシャツ)¥9,720Khaki, beige
Sources Griffin Checkered Long Shirt(チェックロングシャツ)¥9,7202 types
Sources Griffin Color Piping Denim Shirt(SOURCES GRIFFIN カラーパイピングデニムシャツ)¥9,9902 types
Sources Griffin Dress Shirt With Buttons(SOURCES GRIFFIN 飾りボタン付きドレスシャツ)¥11,8802 types
Sources Griffin Border Shirt With Patch(SOURCES GRIFFIN ワッペン付きボーダーカットソー)¥8,9642 types
Ouroboros Deco Work Shirt(decoワークシャツ)¥7,480 M/L