Antonio Lopez (Rock Bison)

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Name Antonio Lopez (アントニオ・ロペス)
Hero Name Rock Bison (ロックバイソン)
NEXT Power Skin Hardening
Sponsor Company Kronos Foods
Seiyuu Taiten Kusunoki
Age 38[1]
Birthday December 3 [2]
Height 191cm (6'3")[3]

Season 1

  • Hero card text:
    • Kronos Foods' Bull Tank of the West Coast. No bullets or misslcse can penetrate this NEXT's super-tough and dense skin. Once he withstands the enemy's attack, he'll counter by delivering a deadly spin attack using his should-mounted drills! Over the years, Rock Bison has won the support of many fans as he catapults himself into the scene of the crime through his personal transporter vehicle. This season, he plans to get his butt higher up on the charts!


Friends with Kotetsu since their school days.[4]

  • Trivia listed in The Rising King of Works Super Fanbook (p. 16)
    • Lives in the bronze stage.

Season 2

  • Season 2 NHK opening text:
    • Teaming up with this raging bull tank is the photo bomb master ORIGAMI CYCLONE! It's probably no exaggeration to say that they are the dark horses of this season's rankings. You won't be able to take your eyes off their combo moves!


Other Media

Misc Trivia

  • First crush when he was 7.[5]
  • Champion at a judo tournament at 15.[6]
  • Kissed his first girlfriend at 17 on a bench at Ricky's Park.[7]




  1. [Watch Party 5].
  2. [Official Site].
  3. The Rising King of Works Super Fanbook (2014), p. 16
  4. The Beginning DVD Booklet Page 14 (2013)
  5. Heroes Column Card (2014)
  6. Heroes Column Card (2014)
  7. Heroes Column Card (2014)