Characro Food, Drink & Coasters: Difference between revisions

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The items below are based off the Characro Memorial Book and are in rough chronological order. Some items were available in multiple years.
The items below are based off the Characro Memorial Book and are in rough chronological order. Some items were available in multiple years.
<gallery caption="Characro Memorial Book Photos" widths=170px heights=205px perrow=4 class=center>

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File:Aisuchoppiricold.png|My Ice Cream May Be Slightly Cold<br>(私のアイスは、ちょっぴり COLD)<br>¥750<br>Cola jelly and ramune sorbert
File:Aisuchoppiricold.png|My Ice Cream May Be Slightly Cold<br>(私のアイスは、ちょっぴり COLD)<br>¥750<br>Cola jelly and ramune sorbert
File:Benhotdog.png|Hot Dog That Ben Gave In Secret<br>(ベンさんの 差し入れホットドッグ)<br>¥650<br>Hot dog, tomato, meat sauce
File:Benhotdog.png|Hot Dog That Ben Gave In Secret<br>(ベンさんの 差し入れホットドッグ)<br>¥650<br>Hot dog, tomato, meat sauce
File:Image needed.jpg|Hear The Voice Of Thanatos<br>(タナトスの声を聞け)<br>¥880<br>Snails grilled in garlic oil lit on fire
File:Characrothanatos.jpg|Hear The Voice Of Thanatos<br>(タナトスの声を聞け)<br>¥880<br>Snails grilled in garlic oil lit on fire
File:Image needed.jpg|Eternal Hero<br>(永久不滅HERO)<br>¥1,000
File:Eternalherocake.jpg|Eternal Hero<br>(永久不滅HERO)<br>¥1,000
File:Bf3Q0oXCMAAoQ1c.jpg|Barnaby's Special Tomato Pasta Plate<br>(バーナビーの特製トマトパスタプレート<br>¥1,240<br>Pasta with tomato sauce, red pepper, mixed veggies, taramosalata, apple slices
File:Bf3Q0oXCMAAoQ1c.jpg|Barnaby's Special Tomato Pasta Plate<br>(バーナビーの特製トマトパスタプレート<br>¥1,240<br>Pasta with tomato sauce, red pepper, mixed veggies, taramosalata, apple slices
File:Image needed.jpg|X'mas in CHARACRO<br>¥3,000<br>Sponge cake with fresh berry cream & sauce.
File:Xmasincharacro.jpg|X'mas in CHARACRO<br>¥3,000<br>Sponge cake with fresh berry cream & sauce.
File:Bf3Q9qNCQAALJ E.jpg|Golden Fondant Chocolate<br>(ゴールデンフォンダンショコラ)<br>Unknown price
File:Bf3Q9qNCQAALJ E.jpg|Golden Fondant Chocolate<br>(ゴールデンフォンダンショコラ)<br>Unknown price
File:Bf3RFK6CYAA67uZ.jpg|Keith's Baguette Sandwich<br>(キースのバゲットサンド)<br>¥850<br>Baguette with fried egg, ham, and tomato
File:Bf3RFK6CYAA67uZ.jpg|Keith's Baguette Sandwich<br>(キースのバゲットサンド)<br>¥850<br>Baguette with fried egg, ham, and tomato
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File:Kaedepurin.jpg|Kaede's Pudding A La Mode<br>(楓のプリンアラモード)<br>¥650<br>Pudding with rainbow jelly
File:Kaedepurin.jpg|Kaede's Pudding A La Mode<br>(楓のプリンアラモード)<br>¥650<br>Pudding with rainbow jelly
File:BoUdp3hIEAEvVcc.jpg|HERO's Harmony<br>¥2,500
File:BoUdp3hIEAEvVcc.jpg|HERO's Harmony<br>¥2,500
File:189799c5.jpg|Apollon Trio Tsukemen Plate<br>(アポロントリオのつけ麺プレート)<br>¥980
File:189799c5.jpg|Apollon Trio Tsukemen Plate<br>(アポロントリオのつけ麺プレート)<br>¥980<br>Chinese noodles, green tea soba, plum udon
File:1c30a0b2.jpg|Hot Dog Received From Kotetsu<br(虎徹の差し入れホットドッグ)<br>¥680
File:1c30a0b2.jpg|Hot Dog Received From Kotetsu<br(虎徹の差し入れホットドッグ)<br>¥680
File:0468074e.jpg|Gravity Prince's Bread Gratin<br>(重力王子のパングラタン)<br>¥1,200<br>Bread filled with meat and demi-glace sauce on mashed potatoes
File:0468074e.jpg|Gravity Prince's Bread Gratin<br>(重力王子のパングラタン)<br>¥1,200<br>Bread filled with meat and demi-glace sauce on mashed potatoes
File:Origamirockhighpizza.jpg|Origami Rock High's Three Color Pizza<br>(折紙ロックハイの三色ピザ)<br>¥1,300
File:Origamirockhighpizza.jpg|Origami Rock High's Three Color Pizza<br>(折紙ロックハイの三色ピザ)<br>¥1,300<br>Negitoro, steak, soft boiled egg salad on pizza
File:460e7324.jpg|The Goddess's Apostle: Blue Crab<br>(女神の使途・青い蟹)<br>¥1,400
File:460e7324.jpg|The Goddess's Apostle: Blue Crab<br>(女神の使途・青い蟹)<br>¥1,400
File:B-MYNaUCAAAoY3Z.jpg|Ryan & Barnaby Double Chaser<br>(ライアン&バーナビー ダブルチェイサー)<br>¥1,400
File:B-MYNaUCAAAoY3Z.jpg|Ryan & Barnaby Double Chaser<br>(ライアン&バーナビー ダブルチェイサー)<br>¥1,400<br>Available from September 11, 2014 to March 22, 2015
File:B0IPvAaCMAAsWuH.jpg|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのバースデーケーキ)<br>¥1,000
File:B0IPvAaCMAAsWuH.jpg|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのバースデーケーキ)<br>¥1,000
File:B3R3fcQCYAEJ2Uf.jpg|Origami Cyclone Gottsuan Desu! Hayashi rice<br>(折紙サイクロンのごっつぁんです!ハヤシライス)<br>¥1,200
File:B3R3fcQCYAEJ2Uf.jpg|Origami Cyclone Gottsuan Desu! Hayashi rice<br>(折紙サイクロンのごっつぁんです!ハヤシライス)<br>¥1,200
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File:B3R2meZCEAA4f4I.jpg|In That Case I Will Scoop Ice Cream No Matter What It Takes<br>(僕が掬いたいのはアイスです)<br>¥1,200
File:B3R2meZCEAA4f4I.jpg|In That Case I Will Scoop Ice Cream No Matter What It Takes<br>(僕が掬いたいのはアイスです)<br>¥1,200
File:B5wikv6CcAASBT2.jpg|Dragon Kid's Dim Sum Parfait<br>(ドラゴンキッドの甜点心パフェ)<br>¥950
File:B5wikv6CcAASBT2.jpg|Dragon Kid's Dim Sum Parfait<br>(ドラゴンキッドの甜点心パフェ)<br>¥950
File:B7dYU2jCcAA3uOJ.jpg|Tora & Usagi Mascot Mini Burgers<br>(トラとウサギのマスコット ミニバーガー)¥1,150
File:B7dYU2jCcAA3uOJ.jpg|Tora & Usagi Mascot Mini Burgers<br>(トラとウサギのマスコット ミニバーガー)¥1,150<br>Mini chicken burgers with teriyaki and tartar sauce
File:B9pCR0WCQAAktRg.jpg|Happy White Day for you<br>¥1,300
File:B9pCR0WCQAAktRg.jpg|Happy White Day for you<br>¥1,300
File:B Ub8NwUQAAxlFn.jpg|Crossing Of Justice<br>(交差する正義)<br>¥1,100
File:B Ub8NwUQAAxlFn.jpg|Crossing Of Justice<br>(交差する正義)<br>¥1,100<br>Roast beef with cheese sauce
File:CDQ6TMbUkAAv1zn.jpg|Nathan's "I'm Me" Soup Set<br>(ネイサンの「アタシはアタシ」スープセット)<br>¥1,000<br>Clam chowder and minestrone with baguette
File:CDQ6TMbUkAAv1zn.jpg|Nathan's "I'm Me" Soup Set<br>(ネイサンの「アタシはアタシ」スープセット)<br>¥1,000<br>Clam chowder and minestrone with baguette
File:CFm 9U9UMAAGG0L.png|Good Luck Milk Crepe<br>(GOOD LUCK ミルクレープ)<br>¥1,450
File:CFm 9U9UMAAGG0L.png|Good Luck Milk Crepe<br>(GOOD LUCK ミルクレープ)<br>¥1,450
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File:CHNMD04VAAA3iRz.png|Tiger & Barnaby Reunion Plate<br>(TIGER & BARNABY復活プレート)<br>¥1,200<br>Pacncakes, bacon, avocado salad, buttermilk dressing
File:CHNMD04VAAA3iRz.png|Tiger & Barnaby Reunion Plate<br>(TIGER & BARNABY復活プレート)<br>¥1,200<br>Pacncakes, bacon, avocado salad, buttermilk dressing
File:CMWwuTsUAAAVQZc.png|It All Started Here: Cold Pasta<br>(全てはここから始まった 冷製パスタ)<br>¥1,000
File:CMWwuTsUAAAVQZc.png|It All Started Here: Cold Pasta<br>(全てはここから始まった 冷製パスタ)<br>¥1,000
File:1minutecake.jpg|Eternal Hero 1 minute ver.<br>永久不滅HERO 1minute.ver)<br>¥1,000
File:1minutecake.jpg|Eternal Hero 1 minute ver.<br>永久不滅HERO 1minute.ver)<br>¥1,000<br>Banana and green apple mousse cake
File:CQiiFqCVEAQtCWN.png|Tora & Usagi Chicken Fillet & Grilled Vegetable Plate<br>(トラとウサギのチキンフリット&グリル野菜プレート)<br>¥1,200
File:CQiiFqCVEAQtCWN.png|Tora & Usagi Chicken Fillet & Grilled Vegetable Plate<br>(トラとウサギのチキンフリット&グリル野菜プレート)<br>¥1,200<br>Chicken and grilled vegetables with cajun curry mayo and mentaiko sour cream
File:CDlbDGpUMAA44j8.jpg|Ryan's Frozen Yogurt Parfait<br>(ライアンのフローズンヨーグルトパフェ)<br>¥1,100
File:CDlbDGpUMAA44j8.jpg|Ryan's Frozen Yogurt Parfait<br>(ライアンのフローズンヨーグルトパフェ)<br>¥1,100<br>Frozen yogurt with mango sauce
File:CMWwuF6VAAAYnOT.png|Rock Bison's Catapult Operation<br>(ロックバイソンのカタパルト大作戦)<br>¥950
File:CMWwuF6VAAAYnOT.png|Rock Bison's Catapult Operation<br>(ロックバイソンのカタパルト大作戦)<br>¥950<br>Avocado gratin
File:CQs7giSUYAE7HkX.png|Aunt Samantha's Poundcake<br>(サマンサおばさんのパウンドケーキ)<br>¥650
File:CQs7giSUYAE7HkX.png|Aunt Samantha's Poundcake<br>(サマンサおばさんのパウンドケーキ)<br>¥650
File:CO2XENIVEAEpZyM.png|Big Tree Plate<br>(ビッグ・ツリー プレート)<br>¥650
File:CO2XENIVEAEpZyM.png|Big Tree Plate<br>(ビッグ・ツリー プレート)<br>¥650<br>Avocado rice
File:CQih6OGUAAACzOb.png|Rascal Buddy Salad<br>(ラスカルのバディサラダ)<br>¥700
File:CQih6OGUAAACzOb.png|Rascal Buddy Salad<br>(ラスカルのバディサラダ)<br>¥700
File:CBVSAkdU8AEWgjC.jpg|Rascal Trio Baguette<br>)ラスカルトリオのバゲット)<br>¥1,100<br>Baguettee with prosciutto, tomato, avocado, camembert cheese
File:CBVSAkdU8AEWgjC.jpg|Rascal Trio Baguette<br>)ラスカルトリオのバゲット)<br>¥1,100<br>Baguettee with prosciutto, tomato, avocado, camembert cheese
File:CBVSAkCU8AACOd1.jpg|Rascale Trio Stump Cake<br>(ラスカルトリオのきりかぶケーキ)<br>¥1,300<br>Chocolate roll cake
File:CBVSAkCU8AACOd1.jpg|Rascale Trio Stump Cake<br>(ラスカルトリオのきりかぶケーキ)<br>¥1,300<br>Chocolate roll cake
File:CPqHCSfVEAAp0TJ.jpg|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのバースデーケーキ)<br>Price unknown
File:CPqHCSfVEAAp0TJ.jpg|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのバースデーケーキ)<br>Price unknown
File:CPqHCcBUcAEe9Ph.jpg|Barnaby's Beef Stroganoff<br>(バーナビーのビーフストロガノフ)<br>¥1,200
File:CPqHCcBUcAEe9Ph.jpg|Barnaby's Beef Stroganoff<br>(バーナビーのビーフストロガノフ)<br>¥1,200<br>Beef stroganoff with ketchup rice
File:Tumblr nyvojwFhO11r5edp7o2 1280.jpg|CHRISTMAS IN CHARACRO feat. TIGER & BUNNY 2015<br>¥3,600
File:Tumblr nyvojwFhO11r5edp7o2 1280.jpg|CHRISTMAS IN CHARACRO feat. TIGER & BUNNY 2015<br>¥3,600<br>Came with can badge
File:F 15-dacks-01.png|Dach's Burger Set<br>(ダックスバーガーセット)<br>¥2,000<br>Bacon-egg burger, fries, hot coffee, comes with one of three Dachs Coffee acrylic keychains
File:F 15-dacks-01.png|Dach's Burger Set<br>(ダックスバーガーセット)<br>¥2,000<br>Bacon-egg burger, fries, hot coffee, came with one of three Dachs Coffee acrylic keychains
File:Image needed.jpg|Ivan's Fujiyama Soba<br>(イワンのFUJIYAMA蕎麦)<br>¥1,200
File:Ivanfujiyamasoba.jpg|Ivan's Fujiyama Soba<br>(イワンのFUJIYAMA蕎麦)<br>¥1,200<br>Purple soba with grated radish
File:CZT-PItWcAAtJYg.png|HAPPY VALENTINE & WHITE DAY IN CHARACRO feat. TIGER & BUNNY<br>¥1,250<br>Chocolate cream puffs
File:CUzv60wUsAA1mJw.png|Ivan and Edward's Friendship Plate<br>(イワンとエドワードの友情プレート)<br>¥880
File:CUzv60wUsAA1mJw.png|Ivan and Edward's Friendship Plate<br>(イワンとエドワードの友情プレート)<br>¥880<br>Grilled gizzards, fries, purple cabbage, monaka
File:Image needed.jpg|Bear's Potato Salad<br>(クマちゃんポテトサラダ)<br>¥980
File:Bearpotatosalad.jpg|Bear's Potato Salad<br>(クマちゃんポテトサラダ)<br>¥980<br>Sweet potato and kabocha salad
File:Image needed.jpg|Mad Bear Marinated Tomato Salad<br>(マッドベアのトマトマリネサラダ)<br>¥1,100
File:Characromadbear.jpg|Mad Bear Marinated Tomato Salad<br>(マッドベアのトマトマリネサラダ)<br>¥1,100<br>Salmon roll, marinated tomatoes, onion salad
File:F 19 uroboro-bage.png|Ouroboros Ajillo<br>(ウロボロスアヒージョ)<br>¥1,000 (+¥200 for 5 pieces of baguette)<br>Octopus, broccoli, potatoes, anjillo
File:F 19 uroboro-bage.png|Ouroboros Ajillo<br>(ウロボロスアヒージョ)<br>¥1,000 (+¥200 for 5 pieces of baguette)<br>Octopus, broccoli, potatoes, anjillo
File:FSP-spring.png|Kotetsu and Barnaby's Spring Dessert Plate<br>(虎徹とバーナビーの春のデザートプレート)<br>¥1,200, ¥2,000 with keychain
File:FSP-spring.png|Kotetsu and Barnaby's Spring Dessert Plate<br>(虎徹とバーナビーの春のデザートプレート)<br>¥1,200, ¥2,000 with keychain<br>Strawberry and melon cake with mango ice cream, came with acrylic keychain
File:Keithegg.jpg|Encounter Fountain Apple Salad<br>(出会いの噴水リンゴサラダ)<br>¥950
File:Keithegg.jpg|Encounter Fountain Apple Salad<br>(出会いの噴水リンゴサラダ)<br>¥950<br>Egg sandwich with apple salad
File:Image needed.jpg|Look Closely And Reflect On Yourself...<br>(刮目して己の全てを省みろ・・・)<br>¥1,200
File:Lookclosely.jpg|Look Closely And Reflect On Yourself...<br>(刮目して己の全てを省みろ・・・)<br>¥1,200<br>Pizza with blue cheese and honey
File:Image needed.jpg|Sinners Are Guided By The Signs Of Justice<br>(裁きの標に罪人は導かれる)<br>¥1,200
File:Signsofjustice.jpg|Sinners Are Guided By The Signs Of Justice<br>(裁きの標に罪人は導かれる)<br>¥1,200<br>Mini waffles and raspberry sorbet
File:CltO1uWUgAIBeVh.jpg|Tropical Summer Plate<br>(トロピカルサマープレート)<br>¥1,200, ¥2,000 with keychain
File:CltO1uWUgAIBeVh.jpg|Tropical Summer Plate<br>(トロピカルサマープレート)<br>¥1,200, ¥2,000 with keychain<br>Almond flavored waffle cone with yogurt sorbet and fruit, came with acrylic keychain. Available July, 1 through Augst, 31, 2016.
File:Image needed.jpg|Golden Ryan Prosciutto Mimosa Salad<br>(ゴールデンライアン生ハムミモザサラダ)<br>¥850
File:FSP-07gr-newfood.png|Golden Ryan Prosciutto Mimosa Salad<br>(ゴールデンライアン生ハムミモザサラダ)<br>¥850<br>Prosciutto and potato salad with cheese and crackers
File:Image needed.jpg|Barnaby Birthday Celebration Special Plate<br>(バーナビー誕生祭Special plate)<br>¥1,600
File:Celebrationplate.jpg|Barnaby Birthday Celebration Special Plate<br>(バーナビー誕生祭Special plate)<br>¥1,600
File:CtWjTeDUMAAxuuX.png|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのBirthday cake)<br>¥1,200
File:CtWjTeDUMAAxuuX.png|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのBirthday cake)<br>¥1,200
File:Characrobanquetofheroes.jpg|Banquet of Heroes<br>¥3,600
File:Characrobanquetofheroes.jpg|Banquet of Heroes<br>¥3,600
File:Characroherochips.jpg|Hero's bar Cheese Chips<br>(HERO’S BARチーズチップス)¥450
File:Characroherochips.jpg|Hero's bar Cheese Chips<br>(HERO’S BARチーズチップス)¥450<br>Bacon cheese chips
File:Characrotriopizza.jpg|Apollon Trio Three Color Pizza<br>(アポロントリオの3色ピザ)¥1,400
File:Characrotriopizza.jpg|Apollon Trio Three Color Pizza<br>(アポロントリオの3色ピザ)¥1,400<br>Pizza with fried fish, prosciutto,cherry tomatoes, broccoli, seaweed
File:Tigerplaygroundomlette.jpg|Tiger Play Equipment Omlette Rice Plate<br>(虎の遊具オムライスプレート)¥1,300
File:Tigerplaygroundomlette.jpg|Tiger Play Equipment Omlette Rice Plate<br>(虎の遊具オムライスプレート)¥1,300
File:Image needed.jpg|HERO's Harmony ~Grand Finale Edition~<br>¥2,800
File:Heroharmony.jpg|HERO's Harmony ~Grand Finale Edition~<br>¥2,800

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File:Characroeternalimmortalitywine.jpg|Christmas of Eternal Immortality<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Strawberry sparkling wine
File:Characroeternalimmortalitywine.jpg|Christmas of Eternal Immortality<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Strawberry sparkling wine
File:Characroheroslabel1.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯1<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Red wine with fruity plum aroma
File:Characroheroslabel1.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯1<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Red wine with fruity plum aroma
File:Image needed.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯2<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Rose wine with fruity plum aroma
File:Heroslabel2.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯2<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Rose wine with fruity plum aroma
File:Characroheroslabel3.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯3<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>White wine with fruity plum aroma
File:Characroheroslabel3.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯3<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>White wine with fruity plum aroma
File:Characrocrusherforjustice.jpg|Crusher For Justice<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Sparkling rose wine
File:Characrocrusherforjustice.jpg|Crusher For Justice<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Sparkling rose wine, available November 7 to December 8, 2016
File:Image needed.jpg|Power Of Justice<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Sparkling rose wine
File:Powerofjustice.jpg|Power Of Justice<br>¥5,800 (Bottle), ¥850 (Glass)<br>Sparkling rose wine
File:Crusherdrink.png|Crusher For Justice<br>(正義の壊し屋)<br>¥650<br>Matcha liqueur, tonic water, lemon.
File:Crusherdrink.png|Crusher For Justice<br>(正義の壊し屋)<br>¥650<br>Matcha liqueur, tonic water, lemon.
File:Superrookiecocktail.png|Super Rookie<br>(スーパールーキー)<br>¥650
File:Superrookiecocktail.png|Super Rookie<br>(スーパールーキー)<br>¥650
File:Gravityprincedrink.png|Wandering Gravity Prince<br>(さすらいの重力王子)<br>¥650
File:Gravityprincedrink.png|Wandering Gravity Prince<br>(さすらいの重力王子)<br>¥650
File:Characromikire.jpg|Master Of Being Seen In The Background<br>(見切れ職人)<br>¥680
File:Characromikire.jpg|Master Of Being Seen In The Background<br>(見切れ職人)<br>¥680
File:Image needed.jpg|Bull Tank Of The West Coast<br>(西海岸の猛牛戦車)<br>¥680
File:Bulltankdrink.jpg|Bull Tank Of The West Coast<br>(西海岸の猛牛戦車)<br>¥680
File:Image needed.jpg|Wind Wizard<br>(風の魔術師)<br>¥680
File:Keithwindwizard.jpg|Wind Wizard<br>(風の魔術師)<br>¥680
File:Image needed.jpg|Bourgeoisie Open Flame Broil<br>(ブルジョワ直火焼き)<br>¥680
File:Fireemblemcocktail.jpg|Bourgeoisie Open Flame Broil<br>(ブルジョワ直火焼き)<br>¥680
File:Image needed.jpg|Super Idol Of The Hero World<br>(ヒーロー界のスーパーアイドル)<br>¥680
File:Superidoldrink.jpg|Super Idol Of The Hero World<br>(ヒーロー界のスーパーアイドル)<br>¥680
File:Image needed.jpg|Lightning Kung-Fu Master<br>(稲妻カンフーマスター)<br>¥680
File:Dragonkidcocktail.jpg|Lightning Kung-Fu Master<br>(稲妻カンフーマスター)<br>¥680
File:Saitodrink.jpg|Saitou-san's Mysterious Cocktail<br>斎藤さんのミステリアスカクテル)<br>Unknown Price
File:Saitodrink.jpg|Saitou-san's Mysterious Cocktail<br>斎藤さんのミステリアスカクテル)<br>Unknown Price<br>Yogurt drink
File:Characrolunaticcocktail.jpg|Lunatic's Purge Cocktail<br>(ルナティックの粛清カクテル)<br>Unknown Price
File:Characrolunaticcocktail.jpg|Lunatic's Purge Cocktail<br>(ルナティックの粛清カクテル)<br>Unknown Price
File:Characroyuricoffee.jpg|Yuri's Coffee With Honey Syrup<br>(ユーリの蜂蜜シロップ入りコーヒー)<br>Unknown Price
File:Characroyuricoffee.jpg|Yuri's Coffee With Honey Syrup<br>(ユーリの蜂蜜シロップ入りコーヒー)<br>Unknown Price
File:23df4e21.jpg|Cool And Capable Secretary Virgil<br>(クールな有能秘書 ヴィルギル)<br>¥680
File:23df4e21.jpg|Cool And Capable Secretary Virgil<br>(クールな有能秘書 ヴィルギル)<br>¥680
File:8c779893.jpg|Agnes' Blossom Cocktail<br>(アニエスのブロッサムカクテル)<br>¥680
File:8c779893.jpg|Agnes' Blossom Cocktail<br>(アニエスのブロッサムカクテル)<br>¥680
File:C71a5f95.jpg|My Heart Is Really Solid As A Rock! And Your Crime Has Been Completely Put On Lock!<br>(俺の心は相当ロック! お前の悪事を完全ロック!Style2)<br>¥680<br>Spicy, hard, authentic ginger ale on the rocks
File:C71a5f95.jpg|My Heart Is Really Solid As A Rock! And Your Crime Has Been Completely Put On Lock! Style 2<br>(俺の心は相当ロック! お前の悪事を完全ロック!Style2)<br>¥680<br>Spicy, hard, authentic ginger ale on the rocks
File:C766d6d9.jpg|Wind Wizard Style 2<br>(風の魔術師 Style2)<br>¥680
File:C766d6d9.jpg|Wind Wizard Style 2<br>(風の魔術師 Style2)<br>¥680
File:Image needed.jpg|Hero's Ice Chocolate Latte<br>(HERO'S アイスチョコレートラテ)<br>¥1,100
File:CcsIYfHUkAA4zh2.png|Hero's Ice Chocolate Latte<br>(HERO'S アイスチョコレートラテ)<br>¥1,100<br>Chocolate latte with whipped cream
File:Characrookayyoujoinus.jpg|Origami Rock High's Ok You Join Us<br>(折紙ロックハイの「OK, YOU JO×IN US!!」)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, ice tea, sakura syrup, lemon juice, salted cherry blossoms
File:Characrookayyoujoinus.jpg|Origami Rock High's Ok You Join Us<br>(折紙ロックハイの「OK, YOU JO×IN US!!」)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, ice tea, sakura syrup, lemon juice, salted cherry blossoms
File:Characroaiscream.jpg|Otome Club's Ai Scream<br>(乙女☆クラブの「愛♡ Scream!!!」)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, pink grape syrup, lactic acid, colored nata de coco, lemon slices
File:Characroaiscream.jpg|Otome Club's Ai Scream<br>(乙女☆クラブの「愛♡ Scream!!!」)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, pink grape syrup, lactic acid, colored nata de coco, lemon slices
File:Characrotropicalsoda.jpg|Apollon Trio Tropical Soda<br>(アポロントリオのトロピカルソーダ)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, blue curacao, pineapple syrup, tropical fruits
File:Characrotropicalsoda.jpg|Apollon Trio Tropical Soda<br>(アポロントリオのトロピカルソーダ)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, blue curacao, pineapple syrup, tropical fruits
File:Characrolegendcola.jpg|Legend Cola<br>(レジェンドコーラ)<br>¥680<br>Cola, lime, tangerine sorbet, lemon slice
File:Characrolegendcola.jpg|Legend Cola<br>(レジェンドコーラ)<br>¥680<br>Cola, lime, tangerine sorbet, lemon slice
File:Characrojusticestyle2.jpg|Crusher For Justice Style 2<br>(正義の壊し屋 Style 2)<br>¥680
File:Characrojusticestyle2.jpg|Crusher For Justice Style 2<br>(正義の壊し屋 Style 2)<br>¥680<br>Kiwi and lime soda
File:Characrobbjstyle2.jpg|Super Rookie Style 2<br>(スーパールーキーStyle 2)<br>¥680
File:Characrobbjstyle2.jpg|Super Rookie Style 2<br>(スーパールーキーStyle 2)<br>¥680<br>Strawberry and peach soda
File:57426be4.jpg|Wandering Gravity Prince Style 2<br>(さすらいの重力王子 Style 2)<br>¥680
File:57426be4.jpg|Wandering Gravity Prince Style 2<br>(さすらいの重力王子 Style 2)<br>¥680<br>Beer cocktail with crushed jelly
File:Characrorobinbaxter.jpg|Phantom Thief Robin Baxter<br>(怪盗 ロビン・バクスター)<br>¥680
File:Characrorobinbaxter.jpg|Phantom Thief Robin Baxter<br>(怪盗 ロビン・バクスター)<br>¥680<br>Black sesame and banana
File:Cisdrink.jpg|Cis' White Apple Cocktail<br>(シスのホワイト林檎カクテル)<br>¥680
File:Cisdrink.jpg|Cis' White Apple Cocktail<br>(シスのホワイト林檎カクテル)<br>¥680<br>Calpis, apple, grenadine syrup
File:Characrobadluckgirlcocktail.jpg|Bad Luck Girl's Kyoho Grape Cocktail<br>(巻き込まれ少女の巨峰カクテル)<br>¥680
File:Characrobadluckgirlcocktail.jpg|Bad Luck Girl's Kyoho Grape Cocktail<br>(巻き込まれ少女の巨峰カクテル)<br>¥680<br>Ginger ale with kyoho graps and orange
File:Jakedrink.jpg|Jake's Showtime<br>(ジェイク様のショータイム)<br>¥680
File:Jakedrink.jpg|Jake's Showtime<br>(ジェイク様のショータイム)<br>¥680
File:Kriemteatime.jpg|Kriem's Tea Time<br>(クリームのティータイム)<br>¥680<br>Strawberry soda cocktail with marshmallows
File:Kriemteatime.jpg|Kriem's Tea Time<br>(クリームのティータイム)<br>¥680<br>Strawberry soda cocktail with marshmallows
File:Image needed.jpg|Lunatic's Blue Flame Cocktail<br>(ルナティックの蒼き炎カクテル)<br>¥680<br>Grapefruit flavored gingle ale, strawberry jelly, lemon
File:Blueflamecocktail.jpg|Lunatic's Blue Flame Cocktail<br>(ルナティックの蒼き炎カクテル)<br>¥680<br>Grapefruit flavored gingle ale, strawberry jelly, lemon
File:Characro2dollar.jpg|Kaburagi Liquor's $2 Sake<br>(鏑木酒店の2ドル酒)<br>¥680
File:Characro2dollar.jpg|Kaburagi Liquor's $2 Sake<br>(鏑木酒店の2ドル酒)<br>¥680
File:Kaedestrawberry.jpg|Kaede's Energetic Strawberry Milk<br>(楓の元気いっぱいストロベリーミルク)<br>¥680
File:Kaedestrawberry.jpg|Kaede's Energetic Strawberry Milk<br>(楓の元気いっぱいストロベリーミルク)<br>¥680
File:Seiginocrusherkuso.jpg|Crusher For Justice Crapsuit Ver.<br(正義の壊し屋 旧スーツVer.)<br>¥680<br>Blue lychee, white soda, lemon slices
File:Seiginocrusherkuso.jpg|Crusher For Justice Crapsuit Ver.<br(正義の壊し屋 旧スーツVer.)<br>¥680<br>Blue lychee, white soda, lemon slices
File:Image needed.jpg|OVER & OUT<br>Unknown price<br>Melon soda and strawberry peach
File:Over&out.jpg|Over & Out<br>¥680<br>Melon soda and strawberry peach
Coasters numbers are based off the listing in the Characro Memorial Book and are in rough chronological order. Names in parentheses are unofficial
<gallery caption="Drink Coasters" widths=170px heights=205px perrow=4 class=center>
File:BYb39BNCQAImGB6.jpg|Coaster #1 (Barnaby's Birthday 2013)<br>NFS<br>Included with Barnaby's Birthday Cake available From October 31, 2013, 2,000 given out
File:CharacroCoasterNo2.jpeg|Coaster #2 (Polka Dot Background Wild Tiger)<br>NFS<br>Included with Crusher For Justice, Potato Shochu Kotetsu drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo3.jpg|Coaster #3 (Polka Dot Background Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with Super Rookie drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo4.jpg|Coaster #4 (Polka Dot Background Golden Ryan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Wandering Gravity Prince drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo5.jpg|Coaster #5 (Polka Dot Background Origami Cyclone)<br>NFS<br>Included with Master Of Being Seen In The Background drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo6.jpg|Coaster #6 (Polka Dot Background Rock Bison)<br>NFS<br>Included with Bull Tank Of The West Coast drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo7.jpg|Coaster #7 (Polka Dot Background Sky High)<br>NFS<br>Included with Wind Wizard drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo8.jpg|Coaster #8 (Polka Dot Background Dragon Kid)<br>NFS<br>Included with Lightning Kung-Fu Master drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo9.jpg|Coaster #9 (Polka Dot Background  Blue Rose)<br>NFS<br>Included with Super Idol Of The Hero World drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo10.jpg|Coaster #10 (Polka Dot Background Fire Emblem)<br>NFS<br>Included with Bourgeoisie Open Flame Broil drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo11.jpg|Coaster #11 (Polka Dot Background Lunatic)<br>NFS<br>Included with Lunatic's Purge Cocktail, Yuri's Coffee With Honey Syrup drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo12.jpg|Coaster #12 (The Rising Key Visual)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:2014 Characro Original Coaster Trio 2.jpg|Coaster #13 (Chibi Trio Apollon Trio)<br>NFS<br> Visit store between May 19 to May 25, 2014
File:CharacroCoasterNo14.jpg|Coaster #14 (Chibi Trio Origami Rock high)<br>NFS<br>Visit store between June 2 to June 8, 2014
File:2014 Characro Original Coaster Trio 1.jpg|Coaster #15 (Chibi Trio Otome Club)<br>NFS<br>Visit store between May 26 to June 1, 2014
File:CharacroCoasterNo16.jpg|Coaster #16 (Formal Wear Kotetsu)<br>NFS<br> Included with Crusher For Justice drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo17.jpg|Coaster #17 (Formal Wear Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with Super Rookie drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo18.jpg|Coaster #18 (Formal Wear Ryan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Wandering Gravity Prince drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo19.jpg|Coaster #19 (Formal Wear Ivan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Master Of Being Seen In The Background drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo20.jpg|Coaster #20 (Formal Wear Antonio)<br>NFS<br>Included with Bull Tank Of The West Coast drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo21.jpg|Coaster #21 (Formal Wear Keith)<br>NFS<br>Included with Wind Wizard drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo22.jpg|Coaster #22 (Formal Wear Pao-Lin<br>NFS<br>Included with Lightning Kung-Fu Master drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo23.jpg|Coaster #23 (Formal Wear Karina)<br>NFS<br>Included with Super Idol Of The Hero World drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo24.jpg|Coaster #24 (Formal Wear Nathan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Bourgeoisie Open Flame Broil drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo25.jpg|Coaster #25 (Apollon Trio)<br>NFS<br>Included with The Rising wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo26.jpg|Coaster #26 (Doc Saito)<br>NFS<br>Included with Saitou-san's Mysterious Cocktail
File:CharacroCoasterNo27.jpg|Coaster #27 (Agnes)<br>NFS<br>Included with Agnes' Blossom Cocktail
File:CharacroCoasterNo28.jpg|Coaster #28 (Virgil)<br>NFS<br>Included with Cool And Capable Secretary Virgil drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo29.jpg|Coaster #29 (Eye Background Wild Tiger)<br>NFS<br>Included with Crusher For Justice Style 2 drink and the Tiger & Rabbit Mascot Mini Burger Dish set
File:CharacroCoasterNo30.jpg|Coaster #30 (Eye Background Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with Super Rookie Style 2 and the Tiger & Rabbit Mascot Mini Burger Dish set
File:CharacroCoasterNo31.jpg|Coaster #31 (Eye Background Golden Ryan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Wandering Gravity Prince Style 2 drink and given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo32.jpg|Coaster #32 (Eye Background Origami Cyclone)<br>NFS<br>Included with Master Of Being Seen In The Background drink and given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo33.jpg|Coaster #33 (Eye Background Rock Bison)<br>NFS<br>Included with My Heart Is Really Solid As A Rock! And Your Crime Has Been Completely Put On Lock! Style 2 and given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo34.jpg|Coaster #34 (Eye Background Sky High)<br>NFS<br>Included with Wind Wizard Style 2 and given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo35.jpg|Coaster #35 (Eye Background Dragon Kid)<br>NFS<br>Included with Lightning Kung-Fu Master drink and given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo36.jpg|Coaster #36 (Eye Background Blue Rose)<br>NFS<br>Included with Super Idol Of The Hero World drink and given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo37.jpg|Coaster #37 (Eye Background Fire Emblem)<br>NFS<br>Included with Bourgeoisie Open Flame Broil drinkand given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo38.jpg|Coaster #38 (Eye Background Lunatic)<br>NFS<br>Included with Yuri's Coffee With Honey Syrup and given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo39.jpg|Coaster #39 (To Me & To Us!)<br>NFS<br>Included with To Me & To Us wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo40.jpg|Coaster #40 (Barnaby Birthday 2014)<br>NFS<br>Visit between October 31 to November 16, 2014
File:CharacroCoasterNo41.jpg|Coaster #41 (1/3 Apollon Trio)<br>NFS<br>Included with Apollon Trio Tropical Soda and the Gravity Prince's Bread Gratin Dish set
File:2014 Characro Original Coaster Men.jpg|Coaster #42 (1/3 Origami Rock High)<br>NFS<br>Included with Origami Rock High's Ok You Join Us drink and the Gravity Prince's Bread Gratin Dish set
File:2014 Characro Original Coaster Girls.jpg|Coaster #43 (1/3 Otome Clube)<br>NFS<br>Included with Otome Club's Ai Scream drink and the Gravity Prince's Bread Gratin Dish set
File:CharacroCoasterNo44.jpg|Coaster #44 (Hero TV Agnes)<br>NFS<br>Included with Agnes' Blossom Cocktail
File:CharacroCoasterNo45.jpg|Coaster #45 (Clock Virgil)<br>NFS<br>Included with Cool And Capable Secretary Virgil drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo46.jpg|Coaster #46 (Half Coaster Chibi Kotetsu & Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with admission (Ikeburkuro Kotetsu, Akihabara Barnaby) as well as the Kotetsu's Hot Dog Dish set
File:CharacroCoasterNo47.jpg|Coaster #47 (Half Coaster Wild Tiger & Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with admission (Ikeburkuro Kotetsu, Akihabara Barnaby)
File:CharacroCoasterNo48.jpg|Coaster #48 (Half Coaster Kotetsu & Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with admission (Ikeburkuro Kotetsu, Akihabara Barnaby) as well as the Tiger Fried Rice Dish and Barnaby's Special Tomato Pasta Dish sets
File:CharacroCoasterNo49.jpg|Coaster #49 (Upside Down Wild Tiger)<br>NFS<br>Included with Crusher For Justice Style 2 drink and given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo50.jpg|Coaster #50 (Upside Down Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with Super Rookie Style 2 drink and given out at the 2018 Charapop Store in Kichijoji
File:CharacroCoasterNo51.jpg|Coaster #51 (Justice Day)<br>NFS<br>Included with Justice Festival Memorial wine
File:Memoryofreunioncoaster.jpg|Coaster #52 (Memory of Reunion)<br>NFS<br>Included with Memory of Reunion wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo53.jpg|Coaster #53 (Mr. Legend)<br>NFS<br>Included with Legend Cola
File:CharacroCoasterNo54.jpg|Coaster #54 (Bad Luck Girl)<br>NFS<br>Bad Luck Girl's Kyoho Grape Cocktail
File:CharacroCoasterNo55.jpg|Coaster #55 (The Beginning Day)<br>NFS<br>Included with The Beginning Day wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo56.jpg|Coaster #56 (Robin Baxter)<br>NFS<br>Included with Phantom Thief Robin Baxter drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo57.jpg|Coaster #57 (Cis)<br>NFS<br>Included with Cis' White Apple Cocktail
File:CharacroCoasterNo58.jpg|Coaster #58 (Happy New Year Apollon Trio)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available January 4 to 31 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo59.jpg|Coaster #59 (Happy New Year Origami Rock High)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available January 4 to 31 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo60.jpg|Coaster #60 (Happy New Year Otome Club)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available January 4 to 31 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo61.jpg|Coaster #61 (Happy Valentine & White Day Apollon Trio)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available February 1 to 14 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo62.jpg|Coaster #62 (Happy Valentine & White Day Otome Club)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available February 1 to 14 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo63.jpg|Coaster #63 (Happy Valentine & White Day Origami Rock High)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available February 1 to 14 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo64.jpg|Coaster #64 (Happy Valentine & White Day Kotetsu)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available February 15 to March 14 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo65.jpg|Coaster #65 (Happy Valentine & White Day Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available February 15 to March 14 2016
File:Tumblr nyvojwFhO11r5edp7o5 1280.png|Coaster #66 (Christmas of Eternal Immortality)<br>NFS<br>Included with Christmas of Eternal Immortality wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo67.jpg|Coaster #67 (Liquors Kaburagi)<br>NFS<br>Included with Kaburagi Liquor's $2 Sake drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo68.jpg|Coaster #68 (Hero Suit Kotetsu)<br>NFS<br>Included with Crusher For Justice, Potato Shochu Kotetsu drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo69.jpg|Coaster #69 (Hero Suit Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with Super Rookie Style 2 drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo70.jpg|Coaster #70 (Hero Suit Ryan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Wandering Gravity Prince Style 2 drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo71.jpg|Coaster #71 (Hero Suit Ivan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Master Of Being Seen In The Background drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo72.jpg|Coaster #72 (Hero Suit Antonio)<br>NFS<br>Included with My Heart Is Really Solid As A Rock! And Your Crime Has Been Completely Put On Lock! Style 2 drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo73.jpg|Coaster #73 (Hero Suit Keith)<br>NFS<br>Included with Wind Wizard Style 2 drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo74.jpg|Coaster #74 (Hero Suit Yuri)<br>NFS<br>Included with Yuri's Coffee With Honey Syrup
File:CharacroCoasterNo75.jpg|Coaster #75 (Jake)<br>NFS<br>Included with Jake's Showtime drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo76.jpg|Coaster #76 (Kriem)<br>NFS<br>Included with Kriem's Tea Time drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo77.jpg|Coaster #77 (Spring, Love Memorial Wine Blue Rose & Wild Tiger)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available March 19 to May 20, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo78.jpg|Coaster #78 (Spring, Love Memorial Wine Kaede)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available April 18 to May 20, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo79.jpg|Coaster #79 Spring, Love Memorial Wine Cis & Keith)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available March 19 to May 20, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo80.jpg|Coaster #80 (Spring, Love Memorial Wine Jake & Kriem)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available April 18 to May 20, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo81.jpg|Coaster #81 (Apollon Trio Bar Outfits)<br>NFS<br>Included with Apollon Trio Tropical Soda
File:CharacroCoasterNo82.jpg|Coaster #82 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Wild Tiger)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, Crusher For Justice drink, Potato Shochu Kotetsu drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo83.jpg|Coaster #83 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo84.jpg|Coaster #84 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Golden Ryan)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo85.jpg|Coaster #85 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Origami Cyclone)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo86.jpg|Coaster #86 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Rock Bison)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo87.jpg|Coaster #87 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Sky High)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo88.jpg|Coaster #88 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Dragon Kid)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo89.jpg|Coaster #89 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Blue Rose)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo90.jpg|Coaster #90 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Fire Emblem)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo91.jpg|Coaster #91 (Special Thanks Wine 3rd Edition Crapsuit Tiger)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo92.jpg|Coaster #92 (Lunatic)<br>NFS<br>Included with Lunatic's Blue Flame Cocktail
File:CharacroCoasterNo93.jpg|Coaster #93 (Hero's Label Antonio Karina Kotetsu)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Lable #1 wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo94.jpg|Coaster #94 (Hero's Label Ivan Nathan Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Lable #2 wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo95.jpg|Coaster #95 (Hero's Lable Ryan Pao-Lin Keith)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Lable #3 wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo96.jpg|Coaster #96 (Hero's Label #1 Kotetsu)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Label #1 wine, available November 1 to December 4, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo97.jpg|Coaster #97 (Hero's Label #1 Karina)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Label #1 wine, available July 19 to August 4, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo98.jpg|Coaster #98 (Hero's Label #1 Antonio)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Label #1 wine, available May 26 to June 16, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo99.jpg|Coaster #99 (Hero's Label #2 Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Label #2 wine, avaiable October 1 to 31, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo100.jpg|Coaster #100 (Hero's Label #2 Nathan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Label #2 wine, available July 3 to 18, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo101.jpg|Coaster #101 (Hero's Label #2 Ivan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Label #2 wine, available April 30 to May 20, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo102.jpg|Coaster #102 (Hero's Label #3 Ryan)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Label #3 wine, available August 5 to September 4, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo103.jpg|Coaster #103 (Hero's Label #3 Pao-Lin)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Label #3 wine, available June 17 to July 2, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo104.jpg|Coaster #104 (Hero's Label #3 Keith)<br>NFS<br>Included with Hero's Label #3 wine, available April 7 to 29, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo105.jpg|Coaster #105 (Kaede)<br>NFS<br>Included with Kaede's Energetic Strawberry Milk
File:CharacroCoasterNo106.jpg|Coaster #106 (Crusher For Justice)<br>NFS<br>Included with Crusher for Justice wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo107.jpg|Coaster #107 (Power of Justice)<br>NFS<br>Included with Power of Justice wine
File:Banquetotheroescoasterkotetsu.jpg|Coaster #108 (Banquet of Heroes Kotetsu)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:Banquetotheroescoasterbarnaby.jpg|Coaster #109 (Banquet of Heroes Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo110.jpg|Coaster #110 (Apollon Media)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available September 12 to 28, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo111.jpg|Coaster #111 (Helperides Finance)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available September 12 to 28, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo112.jpg|Coaster #112 (Titan Industry)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available September 12 to 28, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo113.jpg|Coaster #113 (Helios Energy)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available September 12 to 28, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo114.jpg|Coaster #114 (Poseidon Line)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available September 12 to 28, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo115.jpg|Coaster #115 (Kronos Foods)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available September 12 to 28, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo116.jpg|Coaster #116 (Odysseus Communication)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine, available September 12 to 28, 2016
File:CharacroCoasterNo117.jpg|Coaster #117 (Crapsuit Tiger)<br>NFS<br>Included with Crusher For Justice Crapsuit Ver.drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo118.jpg|Coaster #118 (Harmonized Finale Half Coaster  Kotetsu & Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo119.jpg|Coaster #119 (Harmonized Finale Half Coaster  Wild Tiger & Barnaby)<br>NFS<br>Included with glass of wine
File:CharacroCoasterNo120.jpg|Coaster #120 (Over & Out A)<br>NFS<br>Included with OVer & Out drink
File:CharacroCoasterNo121.jpg|Coaster #121 (Over & Out B)<br>NFS<br>Included with OVer & Out drink
<gallery caption="Characro Promotional Images" widths=170px heights=205px perrow=4 class=center>
File:CqNRKZgUkAAMVjI.jpg|Ryan's Frozen Yogurt Parfait, The Goddess's Apostle: Blue Crab, Encounter Fountain Apple Salad
File:CqNRMtKVMAA6yCm.jpg|Mad Bear Marinated Tomato Salad, Cis' White Apple Cocktail & Coaster
File:CWfk4CTU4AArqkF.png|Ivan's Fujiyama Soba and Wine Coasters
File:CwFJjsYUsAAQUx5.jpg|Jake's Showtime, Kriem's Tea Time, and Coasters
File:C0Q7HAcUUAE-1EN.jpg|Apollon Trio Tropical Soda & Coaster
CRQ12OsUwAEjIpQ.png|Agnes' Blossom Cocktail & Coaster
File:CO2XDviVEAAVWOm.png|Bad Luck Girl's Kyoho Grape Cocktail & Coaster
File:CxczscPVEAAJuA .jpg|Kaede's Energetic Strawberry Milk & Coaster
File:CM8USrSUkAADQdI.png|Cool And Capable Secretary Virgil & Coaster
File:CZT2olJWYAE4vxy.png|Phantom Thief Robin Baxter & Coaster
File:CIVbzVWUYAAAZld.png|Memory of Reunion Wine
File:DSP-05fe.png|Hero's label #2 Wine
File:Cliq1OzUYAE31vv.jpg|Special Thanks For Hero's Wine Coasters
File:CZT-PuPUYAAHn9e.png|Happy Valentine & White Day Coasters
File:CfhXOqKUMAAMLyY.jpg|Spring, Love Memorial Wine Coasters

Latest revision as of 16:23, 29 July 2024

The items below are based off the Characro Memorial Book and are in rough chronological order. Some items were available in multiple years.

Bottles are listed first, then individual drinks.

Coasters numbers are based off the listing in the Characro Memorial Book and are in rough chronological order. Names in parentheses are unofficial