Characro Food, Drink & Coasters: Difference between revisions

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File:Aisuchoppiricold.png|My Ice Cream May Be Slightly Cold<br>(私のアイスは、ちょっぴり COLD)<br>¥750<br>Cola jelly and ramune sorbert
File:Aisuchoppiricold.png|My Ice Cream May Be Slightly Cold<br>(私のアイスは、ちょっぴり COLD)<br>¥750<br>Cola jelly and ramune sorbert
File:Benhotdog.png|Hot Dog That Ben Gave In Secret<br>(ベンさんの 差し入れホットドッグ)<br>¥650<br>Hot dog, tomato, meat sauce
File:Benhotdog.png|Hot Dog That Ben Gave In Secret<br>(ベンさんの 差し入れホットドッグ)<br>¥650<br>Hot dog, tomato, meat sauce
File:Image needed.jpg|Hear The Voice Of Thanatos<br>(タナトスの声を聞け)<br>¥880<br>Snails grilled in garlic oil lit on fire
File:Characrothanatos.jpg|Hear The Voice Of Thanatos<br>(タナトスの声を聞け)<br>¥880<br>Snails grilled in garlic oil lit on fire
File:Image needed.jpg|Eternal Hero<br>(永久不滅HERO)<br>¥1,000
File:Eternalherocake.jpg|Eternal Hero<br>(永久不滅HERO)<br>¥1,000
File:Bf3Q0oXCMAAoQ1c.jpg|Barnaby's Special Tomato Pasta Plate<br>(バーナビーの特製トマトパスタプレート<br>¥1,240<br>Pasta with tomato sauce, red pepper, mixed veggies, taramosalata, apple slices
File:Bf3Q0oXCMAAoQ1c.jpg|Barnaby's Special Tomato Pasta Plate<br>(バーナビーの特製トマトパスタプレート<br>¥1,240<br>Pasta with tomato sauce, red pepper, mixed veggies, taramosalata, apple slices
File:Xmasincharacro.jpg|X'mas in CHARACRO<br>¥3,000<br>Sponge cake with fresh berry cream & sauce.
File:Xmasincharacro.jpg|X'mas in CHARACRO<br>¥3,000<br>Sponge cake with fresh berry cream & sauce.
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File:Tumblr nyvojwFhO11r5edp7o2 1280.jpg|CHRISTMAS IN CHARACRO feat. TIGER & BUNNY 2015<br>¥3,600<br>Came with can badge
File:Tumblr nyvojwFhO11r5edp7o2 1280.jpg|CHRISTMAS IN CHARACRO feat. TIGER & BUNNY 2015<br>¥3,600<br>Came with can badge
File:F 15-dacks-01.png|Dach's Burger Set<br>(ダックスバーガーセット)<br>¥2,000<br>Bacon-egg burger, fries, hot coffee, came with one of three Dachs Coffee acrylic keychains
File:F 15-dacks-01.png|Dach's Burger Set<br>(ダックスバーガーセット)<br>¥2,000<br>Bacon-egg burger, fries, hot coffee, came with one of three Dachs Coffee acrylic keychains
File:Image needed.jpg|Ivan's Fujiyama Soba<br>(イワンのFUJIYAMA蕎麦)<br>¥1,200<br>Purple soba with grated radish
File:Ivanfujiyamasoba.jpg|Ivan's Fujiyama Soba<br>(イワンのFUJIYAMA蕎麦)<br>¥1,200<br>Purple soba with grated radish
File:CZT-PItWcAAtJYg.png|HAPPY VALENTINE & WHITE DAY IN CHARACRO feat. TIGER & BUNNY<br>¥1,250<br>Chocolate cream puffs
File:CZT-PItWcAAtJYg.png|HAPPY VALENTINE & WHITE DAY IN CHARACRO feat. TIGER & BUNNY<br>¥1,250<br>Chocolate cream puffs
File:CUzv60wUsAA1mJw.png|Ivan and Edward's Friendship Plate<br>(イワンとエドワードの友情プレート)<br>¥880<br>Grilled gizzards, fries, purple cabbage, monaka
File:CUzv60wUsAA1mJw.png|Ivan and Edward's Friendship Plate<br>(イワンとエドワードの友情プレート)<br>¥880<br>Grilled gizzards, fries, purple cabbage, monaka
File:Image needed.jpg|Bear's Potato Salad<br>(クマちゃんポテトサラダ)<br>¥980<br>Sweet potato and kabocha salad
File:Bearpotatosalad.jpg|Bear's Potato Salad<br>(クマちゃんポテトサラダ)<br>¥980<br>Sweet potato and kabocha salad
File:Characromadbear.jpg|Mad Bear Marinated Tomato Salad<br>(マッドベアのトマトマリネサラダ)<br>¥1,100<br>Salmon roll, marinated tomatoes, onion salad
File:Characromadbear.jpg|Mad Bear Marinated Tomato Salad<br>(マッドベアのトマトマリネサラダ)<br>¥1,100<br>Salmon roll, marinated tomatoes, onion salad
File:F 19 uroboro-bage.png|Ouroboros Ajillo<br>(ウロボロスアヒージョ)<br>¥1,000 (+¥200 for 5 pieces of baguette)<br>Octopus, broccoli, potatoes, anjillo
File:F 19 uroboro-bage.png|Ouroboros Ajillo<br>(ウロボロスアヒージョ)<br>¥1,000 (+¥200 for 5 pieces of baguette)<br>Octopus, broccoli, potatoes, anjillo
File:FSP-spring.png|Kotetsu and Barnaby's Spring Dessert Plate<br>(虎徹とバーナビーの春のデザートプレート)<br>¥1,200, ¥2,000 with keychain<br>Strawberry and melon cake with mango ice cream, came with acrylic keychain
File:FSP-spring.png|Kotetsu and Barnaby's Spring Dessert Plate<br>(虎徹とバーナビーの春のデザートプレート)<br>¥1,200, ¥2,000 with keychain<br>Strawberry and melon cake with mango ice cream, came with acrylic keychain
File:Keithegg.jpg|Encounter Fountain Apple Salad<br>(出会いの噴水リンゴサラダ)<br>¥950<br>Egg sandwich with apple salad
File:Keithegg.jpg|Encounter Fountain Apple Salad<br>(出会いの噴水リンゴサラダ)<br>¥950<br>Egg sandwich with apple salad
File:Image needed.jpg|Look Closely And Reflect On Yourself...<br>(刮目して己の全てを省みろ・・・)<br>¥1,200<br>Pizza with blue cheese and honey
File:Lookclosely.jpg|Look Closely And Reflect On Yourself...<br>(刮目して己の全てを省みろ・・・)<br>¥1,200<br>Pizza with blue cheese and honey
File:Image needed.jpg|Sinners Are Guided By The Signs Of Justice<br>(裁きの標に罪人は導かれる)<br>¥1,200<br>Mini waffles and raspberry sorbet
File:Signsofjustice.jpg|Sinners Are Guided By The Signs Of Justice<br>(裁きの標に罪人は導かれる)<br>¥1,200<br>Mini waffles and raspberry sorbet
File:CltO1uWUgAIBeVh.jpg|Tropical Summer Plate<br>(トロピカルサマープレート)<br>¥1,200, ¥2,000 with keychain<br>Almond flavored waffle cone with yogurt sorbet and fruit, came with acrylic keychain. Available July, 1 through Augst, 31, 2016.
File:CltO1uWUgAIBeVh.jpg|Tropical Summer Plate<br>(トロピカルサマープレート)<br>¥1,200, ¥2,000 with keychain<br>Almond flavored waffle cone with yogurt sorbet and fruit, came with acrylic keychain. Available July, 1 through Augst, 31, 2016.
File:FSP-07gr-newfood.png|Golden Ryan Prosciutto Mimosa Salad<br>(ゴールデンライアン生ハムミモザサラダ)<br>¥850<br>Prosciutto and potato salad with cheese and crackers
File:FSP-07gr-newfood.png|Golden Ryan Prosciutto Mimosa Salad<br>(ゴールデンライアン生ハムミモザサラダ)<br>¥850<br>Prosciutto and potato salad with cheese and crackers
File:Image needed.jpg|Barnaby Birthday Celebration Special Plate<br>(バーナビー誕生祭Special plate)<br>¥1,600
File:Celebrationplate.jpg|Barnaby Birthday Celebration Special Plate<br>(バーナビー誕生祭Special plate)<br>¥1,600
File:CtWjTeDUMAAxuuX.png|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのBirthday cake)<br>¥1,200
File:CtWjTeDUMAAxuuX.png|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのBirthday cake)<br>¥1,200
File:Characrobanquetofheroes.jpg|Banquet of Heroes<br>¥3,600
File:Characrobanquetofheroes.jpg|Banquet of Heroes<br>¥3,600
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File:Characrotriopizza.jpg|Apollon Trio Three Color Pizza<br>(アポロントリオの3色ピザ)¥1,400<br>Pizza with fried fish, prosciutto,cherry tomatoes, broccoli, seaweed
File:Characrotriopizza.jpg|Apollon Trio Three Color Pizza<br>(アポロントリオの3色ピザ)¥1,400<br>Pizza with fried fish, prosciutto,cherry tomatoes, broccoli, seaweed
File:Tigerplaygroundomlette.jpg|Tiger Play Equipment Omlette Rice Plate<br>(虎の遊具オムライスプレート)¥1,300
File:Tigerplaygroundomlette.jpg|Tiger Play Equipment Omlette Rice Plate<br>(虎の遊具オムライスプレート)¥1,300
File:Image needed.jpg|HERO's Harmony ~Grand Finale Edition~<br>¥2,800
File:Heroharmony.jpg|HERO's Harmony ~Grand Finale Edition~<br>¥2,800

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File:Image needed.jpg|Coaster #115
File:Image needed.jpg|Coaster #115
File:Image needed.jpg|Coaster #116
File:Image needed.jpg|Coaster #116
File:Image needed.jpg|Coaster #117
File:CharacroCoasterNo117.jpg|Coaster #117
File:Image needed.jpg|Coaster #118
File:CharacroCoasterNo118.jpg|Coaster #118
File:Image needed.jpg|Coaster #119
File:CharacroCoasterNo119.jpg|Coaster #119
File:Image needed.jpg|Coaster #120
File:CharacroCoasterNo120.jpg|Coaster #120
File:Image needed.jpg|Coaster #121
File:CharacroCoasterNo121.jpg|Coaster #121

Revision as of 09:53, 25 July 2024

The items below are based off the Characro Memorial Book and are in rough chronological order. Some items were available in multiple years.

Bottles are listed first, then individual drinks.

Coasters numbers are based off the listing in the Characro Memorial Book and are in rough chronological order. Names in parentheses are unofficial