Characro Food, Drink & Coasters: Difference between revisions

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File:F 15-dacks-01.png|Dach's Burger Set<br>(ダックスバーガーセット)<br>¥2,000<br>Bacon-egg burger, fries, hot coffee, comes with one of three Dachs Coffee acrylic keychains
File:F 15-dacks-01.png|Dach's Burger Set<br>(ダックスバーガーセット)<br>¥2,000<br>Bacon-egg burger, fries, hot coffee, comes with one of three Dachs Coffee acrylic keychains
File:Image needed.jpg|Ivan's Fujiyama Soba<br>(イワンのFUJIYAMA蕎麦)<br>¥1,200
File:Image needed.jpg|Ivan's Fujiyama Soba<br>(イワンのFUJIYAMA蕎麦)<br>¥1,200
File:CZT-PItWcAAtJYg.png|HAPPY VALENTINE & WHITE DAY IN CHARACRO feat. TIGER & BUNNY<br>¥1,250<br>Chocolate cream puffs
File:CUzv60wUsAA1mJw.png|Ivan and Edward's Friendship Plate<br>(イワンとエドワードの友情プレート)<br>¥880
File:CUzv60wUsAA1mJw.png|Ivan and Edward's Friendship Plate<br>(イワンとエドワードの友情プレート)<br>¥880
File:Image needed.jpg|Bear's Potato Salad<br>(クマちゃんポテトサラダ)<br>¥980
File:Image needed.jpg|Bear's Potato Salad<br>(クマちゃんポテトサラダ)<br>¥980
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File:C71a5f95.jpg|My Heart Is Really Solid As A Rock! And Your Crime Has Been Completely Put On Lock!<br>(俺の心は相当ロック! お前の悪事を完全ロック!Style2)<br>¥680<br>Spicy, hard, authentic ginger ale on the rocks
File:C71a5f95.jpg|My Heart Is Really Solid As A Rock! And Your Crime Has Been Completely Put On Lock!<br>(俺の心は相当ロック! お前の悪事を完全ロック!Style2)<br>¥680<br>Spicy, hard, authentic ginger ale on the rocks
File:C766d6d9.jpg|Wind Wizard Style 2<br>(風の魔術師 Style2)<br>¥680
File:C766d6d9.jpg|Wind Wizard Style 2<br>(風の魔術師 Style2)<br>¥680
File:CcsIYfHUkAA4zh2.png|Hero's Ice Chocolate Latte<br>(HERO'S アイスチョコレートラテ)<br>¥1,100
File:CcsIYfHUkAA4zh2.png|Hero's Ice Chocolate Latte<br>(HERO'S アイスチョコレートラテ)<br>¥1,100<br>Chocolate latte with whipped cream
File:Characrookayyoujoinus.jpg|Origami Rock High's Ok You Join Us<br>(折紙ロックハイの「OK, YOU JO×IN US!!」)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, ice tea, sakura syrup, lemon juice, salted cherry blossoms
File:Characrookayyoujoinus.jpg|Origami Rock High's Ok You Join Us<br>(折紙ロックハイの「OK, YOU JO×IN US!!」)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, ice tea, sakura syrup, lemon juice, salted cherry blossoms
File:Characroaiscream.jpg|Otome Club's Ai Scream<br>(乙女☆クラブの「愛♡ Scream!!!」)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, pink grape syrup, lactic acid, colored nata de coco, lemon slices
File:Characroaiscream.jpg|Otome Club's Ai Scream<br>(乙女☆クラブの「愛♡ Scream!!!」)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, pink grape syrup, lactic acid, colored nata de coco, lemon slices
File:Characrotropicalsoda.jpg|Apollon Trio Tropical Soda<br>(アポロントリオのトロピカルソーダ)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, blue curacao, pineapple syrup, tropical fruits
File:Characrotropicalsoda.jpg|Apollon Trio Tropical Soda<br>(アポロントリオのトロピカルソーダ)<br>¥680<br>Club soda, blue curacao, pineapple syrup, tropical fruits
File:Characrolegendcola.jpg|Legend Cola<br>(レジェンドコーラ)<br>¥680<br>Cola, lime, tangerine sorbet, lemon slice
File:Characrolegendcola.jpg|Legend Cola<br>(レジェンドコーラ)<br>¥680<br>Cola, lime, tangerine sorbet, lemon slice
File:Characrojusticestyle2.jpg|Crusher For Justice Style 2<br>(正義の壊し屋 Style 2)<br>¥680
File:Characrojusticestyle2.jpg|Crusher For Justice Style 2<br>(正義の壊し屋 Style 2)<br>¥680<br>Kiwi and lime soda
File:Characrobbjstyle2.jpg|Super Rookie Style 2<br>(スーパールーキーStyle 2)<br>¥680
File:Characrobbjstyle2.jpg|Super Rookie Style 2<br>(スーパールーキーStyle 2)<br>¥680<br>Strawberry and peach soda
File:57426be4.jpg|Wandering Gravity Prince Style 2<br>(さすらいの重力王子 Style 2)<br>¥680
File:57426be4.jpg|Wandering Gravity Prince Style 2<br>(さすらいの重力王子 Style 2)<br>¥680<br>Beer cocktail with crushed jelly
File:Characrorobinbaxter.jpg|Phantom Thief Robin Baxter<br>(怪盗 ロビン・バクスター)<br>¥680
File:Characrorobinbaxter.jpg|Phantom Thief Robin Baxter<br>(怪盗 ロビン・バクスター)<br>¥680<br>Black sesame and banana
File:Cisdrink.jpg|Cis' White Apple Cocktail<br>(シスのホワイト林檎カクテル)<br>¥680
File:Cisdrink.jpg|Cis' White Apple Cocktail<br>(シスのホワイト林檎カクテル)<br>¥680<br>Calpis, apple, grenadine syrup
File:Characrobadluckgirlcocktail.jpg|Bad Luck Girl's Kyoho Grape Cocktail<br>(巻き込まれ少女の巨峰カクテル)<br>¥680<br>Ginger ale with kyoho graps and orange
File:Characrobadluckgirlcocktail.jpg|Bad Luck Girl's Kyoho Grape Cocktail<br>(巻き込まれ少女の巨峰カクテル)<br>¥680<br>Ginger ale with kyoho graps and orange
File:Jakedrink.jpg|Jake's Showtime<br>(ジェイク様のショータイム)<br>¥680
File:Jakedrink.jpg|Jake's Showtime<br>(ジェイク様のショータイム)<br>¥680

Revision as of 17:18, 22 July 2024

The items below are based off the Characro Memorial Book and are in rough chronological order. Some items were available in multiple years.

Bottles are listed first, then individual drinks.