Characro Food, Drink & Coasters: Difference between revisions

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<gallery caption="Food" widths=170px heights=205px perrow=4 class=center>
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File:Characrobirthdaycake2013.jpg|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのバースデーケーキ)<br>¥1,000<br>Came with a mini pop stand, available October 31 to November 13, 2013.
File:Characrobirthdaycake2013.jpg|Barnaby's Birthday Cake<br>(バーナビーのバースデーケーキ)<br>¥1,000<br>Available October 31 to November 13, 2013. Came with mini pop stand (first 1,500 people) and special coaster (first 300 people)
File:Image needed.jpg|Tiger Fried Rice<br>(TIGERチャーハン)<br>¥930<br>Ikebukuro location exclusive
File:Characrotigerchahan.jpg|Tiger Fried Rice<br>(TIGERチャーハン)<br>¥930<br>Ikebukuro location exclusive<br>Fried rice with shrimp and mayonnaise
File:Tigerriceplate.png|Tiger Play Equipment Omlette Rice Plate<br>(虎の遊具 オムライスプレート)<br>¥1,300
File:Tigerriceplate.png|Tiger Play Equipment Omlette Rice Plate<br>(虎の遊具 オムライスプレート)<br>¥1,300<br>Ketchup rice, egg, demi-glace sauce
File:Image needed.jpg|Tiger & Barnaby Nacho Chips<br>(タイガー&バーナビー ナチョチップス)¥780
File:Image needed.jpg|Tiger & Barnaby Nacho Chips<br>(タイガー&バーナビー ナチョチップス)¥780
File:Dragonkidfriednoodles.png|Dragon Kid's Lightning Stir-Fry<br>(ドラゴンキッドの 稲妻炒麵)¥1,200
File:Dragonkidfriednoodles.png|Dragon Kid's Lightning Stir-Fry<br>(ドラゴンキッドの 稲妻炒麵)¥1,200
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File:Characroherochips.jpg|HERO’S BARチーズチップス
File:Characroherochips.jpg|HERO’S BARチーズチップス
File:Image needed.jpg|虎の遊具オムライスプレート
File:Image needed.jpg|HERO's Harmony ~Grand Finale Edition~
File:Image needed.jpg|HERO's Harmony ~Grand Finale Edition~
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File:Characrobeginningdaywine.jpg|バーナビー誕生祭記念 オリジナルラベルスパークリングワイン『The Beginning Day』
File:Characrobeginningdaywine.jpg|バーナビー誕生祭記念 オリジナルラベルスパークリングワイン『The Beginning Day』
File:Characroeternalimmortalitywine.jpg|Christmas of Eternal Immortality 
File:Characroeternalimmortalitywine.jpg|Christmas of Eternal Immortality 
File:Image needed.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯1 (赤)
File:Characroheroslabel1.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯1 (赤)
File:Image needed.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯2 (ロゼ)
File:Image needed.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯2 (ロゼ)
File:Characroheroslabel3.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯3 (白)
File:Characroheroslabel3.jpg|HERO'S Label ♯3 (白)
File:Image needed.jpg|Crusher For Justice
File:Characrocrusherforjustice.jpg|Crusher For Justice
File:Image needed.jpg|Power Of Justice
File:Image needed.jpg|Power Of Justice
File:Crusherdrink.png|Crusher For Justice<br>(正義の壊し屋)<br>¥650<br>Green tea, tonic water, lemon.

Revision as of 12:24, 21 July 2024

The items below are based off the Characro Memorial Book and are in rough chronological order. Some items were available in multiple years.

Bottles are listed first, then individual drinks.